Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 35: Quality over quantity

What is more important quantity or quality?

My softball coach always tries to find people to play softball on his teams. Years ago he would find anyone who likes softball to come join the team. Some players weren't very good. Some players didn't have good sportmanship. We tried very hard to convince him that he can't just let anyone on the team. He should make sure that the person got along well with the team, plays well and has good sportsmanship. In this case we like quality over quantity.

I went to my friends birthday party tonight at CinCin. I got a few moments with her after we finished dinner. She reminded me that she has a small group of friends and that she prefers quality over quantity. I mentioned to her that her friends were really easy going and great to talk to. She said that's the quality that she looks for in her friends.

That's something I have to consider is trimming my friends list. I should eliminate friends who are energy vampires (negative people that drag you down). I have no time for them. There is so much to do in my life that spending my time with energy vampires would just be a waste of my time. I would like to focus on finding / keeping friends who are positive and keep me on the right track in life. They should be a good support system for me.

My friend was right quality is better than quantity.

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