Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 19: Bad habits are hard to break!

My bad habit lately is buying DVD's. I can't help it. They are so cheap. It's the same price as renting the movie. This way I dont have to pay the late fees!! The first time I found the sale at Blockbuster when I was returning the movie The Bucket List. I bought 10 movies. The next day I was renewing my insurance by another Blockbuster. I bought another 6 movies. Tonight I was driving home and I drove by another Blockbuster. I bought another 8 movies. I think I strategically drive by them ;). I even went to Rogers one time to see what kind of sale they had. The movies were cheaper at Blockbuster. I really hope the sale ends soon...I don't think I should be spending more money on DVD's.

I have read from different sources that habits take 21 days to form. I was going to go to bed early tonight and not write in my blog because I didn't have any topic to write about. I would've procrastinated on my 20th day of writing. I just have to do it for one more day to make it a habit. So here I am just blabbing about things to make sure I make it a habit to write in my blog. Once it becomes habit then I will just do naturally like brushing my teeth. I drive the same route to work. I am not even sure if it is the shortest route to work. I tried that route one day and have driven that way ever since. It is weird driving another route. It was weird writing in my blog at first. I didn't know what to write. I still don't know what to write everyday. I think about my topic during the day while at work. Then at night when I am writing my blog I don't even use that topic. I just wait for something to inspire me and I start writing. Sometimes I like writing on my topic so much that I want to keep on writing but I know it is late so I have to cut it short.

I am not sure what my next habit will be. Will it be playing a new sport? Will it be an expensive habit? Will it be a good habit? Will it be travelling more? Only time will tell......

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