Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 15: Finally....MY bucket list

After some thought and requests, I am posting my bucket list. Please remember it is my list and it is a list of thing I haven't done before. Below the Bucket List is a list of things I have started and a list of what I have done.

Lisa's Bucket List
  1. Learn to swim
  2. Learn to do aqua fit
  3. Excel at rollerblading
  4. Run Vancouver Sun Run or another type of run
  5. Learn to play golf
  6. Learn to ski
  7. Learn to snowboard
  8. Go horseback riding
  9. Learn to play tennis
  10. Learn Mandarin
  11. Go to Tofino
  12. Go paragliding
  13. Go scuba diving
  14. Learn pilates
  15. Go rock climbing - indoor and outdoor
  16. Go visit Chicago, Illinois
  17. Go visit the Louvre in Paris, France (and the rest of Paris)
  18. Go visit Hawaii
  19. Go on a Caribbean Cruise
  20. Take up photography
  21. Be a better pool player
  22. Take up gourmet cooking
  23. Learn to write
  24. Start and continue a blog about me and my thoughts
  25. Finish my bachelors degree
  26. Meet Oprah and talk to Oprah
  27. Meet a difference in a persons life every month
  28. Donate my hair to raise money for cancer
  29. Join Big Sister program
  30. Donate blood
  31. Visit Rick in Japan
  32. Celebrate life every day
  33. Become more financially literate
  34. Find the love of my life
  35. Continue with my family tree
  36. Go seadooing
  37. Go windsurfing
  38. Sins of the City Walking Tour
  39. Go go - karting
  40. Go see Montreal
  41. Go see Winnipeg
  42. Go see PEI (on the rest of eastern Canada)
  43. Go to Birch Bay
  44. Go to Cultus lake
  45. Go to a cornmaze
  46. Go ATV’ing
  47. Go camping
  48. Go fishing

Things I have started and am working on:
1 - rollerblading
2 - learning mandarin
3 - Start and continue a blog about me and my thoughts
4 - Make a difference in a persons life every month (being hopeful..haha)

Things I have done:
1 - donate blood


  1. Lisa, you are an inspiration. I never would've thought to make a bucket list and here I am thinking of making one, because I feel inspired by you. I have random dreams and aspirations, but I've never really written them down. Now I'm going to work on it. Keep it up. I love reading about your life.

  2. That's awesome Lisa. I see you've struck out a few of them already! :)

    May I make a small suggestion? Some of the items can be more measurable. For example, learn Mandarin --> carry a 10 minute conversation in Mandarin. Yeah? That way it is clear if you have completed that item on the list.

    Happy bucketing!! :)
