Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 90: How guys always get a bad rap, just cause they are a guy!

Boys can be boys! I think from some movies they portray guys as 'bad boys'. Its the bad boys in the movies that always get the girl. It's never the geek or the preppy guy that gets the girl.

In my previous experience with guys, I have been taken advantage of / screwed over. I now label guys 'jerks' cause of my previous experiences. It is until they show me they are sincere that I remove the label from them. It's about trust and respect also. My defense walls are up until they show me that they are trustworthy. If they do something that reminds me of how I was screwed over, my wall automatically goes up again.

I think being a guy is difficult. You don't know the girls' previous experience. You don't know what is right and wrong in their eyes.

Every time after a broken relationship , I think all guys are bastards! I am mad at all men. I don't want to talk to them. It's like they are all on one team. They ban together to learn to say the same lines to girls: 'Let's just be friends', 'It's me, not you', etc...

I feel really bad for guys who really are honest and sincere and just wanting a nice girlfriend. These potential girlfriends see guys as evil and are bastards. If a guy is too nice to a girl, the girl may be suspicious that there is an ulterior motive.


  1. Wow, that last paragraph pretty much hit it on the nose.

  2. I had a friend who completely convinced herself that her current boyfriend was going to cheat on her because she was cheated on in the past.

    I told her that it wasn't his fault that she got cheated on and it was unfair of her to treat him like it WAS his fault. It's called transference.

    If you have series of broken relationships, it's natural to think all guys are the same. Perhaps it's not that 'all guys are the same' but rather you are attracted to the same type of guy. And this same type of guy will do the same things to you.
