Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 52: The little things in life

Do you appreciate the little things in life? Do you stop to smell the flowers?

Last year when I was in California I took a walk to the park with my niece and my nephew. The walk should only take about 20 minutes. We walked to the park on my nephew's time. He's 2 and he's still at a stage where everything is new to him. He would point out to me the purple flowers, the green flowers, the snail, the crack on the sidewalk and anything else his little eyes see. Our walk took us 45 minutes. Because he has no sense of time yet, he takes his time doing things. I learned from that walk that I should take the time to smell the flowers. When I walked by the purple flowers, I knew they were purple flowers. But did I take the time to appreciate them? I don't think so.

I didn't pay attention to my journey because I was too focused on getting to my destination. I have done that for years. Sometimes I got to my destination, sometimes I didn't. At times my journey got sidetracked and I ended up taking another journey. This past year I have realized that the journey is what life is about. The journey has the life lessons hidden in it. I have to slow my pace on my journey to smell the flowers.

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