Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 50: Recipe for Success

Recipe for success:
1/3 - determination
1/3 - practice
1/3 - confidence
dash of luck

1) Start off with deciding what is your dream. what are you destined to you?

2) Secondly add some practice. This may take a short or long time, depending on how well you you do. They say practice makes perfect. Or you can skip this step if you are a prodigy.

3) Thirdly stir in some determination. It can be stirred in early on the recipe or later on. As long as it is stirred in, the recipe will work. If you are a prodigy, you don't have to add so much determination.

4) Once you have the mixture of practice and determination, add some confidence. This is the most important part. This will determine how far you will go in life with your dream.

5) With a dash of luck, you will be a mega star.

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