Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 142: Me? A better pool player?

My bucket list item #21 is to 'be a better pool player'. Tonight I went out with my friend to where his pool league plays. They play at a different pool hall every week. Tonight they were playing at Q Zone beside the Marine Pub. I am thinking it's a good opportunity to practice my pool game. I used to play pool very often, as much as 4 times a week at one point. Now, it's not as much. In the last year, I think I went less than 10 times. I am too lazy sometimes to go play especially when it is raining and cold outside. That kind of weather just makes me want to stay home and stay warm.

Before the tournament started I had some food and I was sitting at a table with a member of another team. I was just chit chatting with him and I found out that he is a pool teacher. He has his own pool school and has his own tables to teach on. I found that quite interesting. I never knew there is such a thing as pool school. I am thinking this is a great way for me to improve my pool skills. I find learning to play pool is similar to learning swimming. I can hang out with people who know how to do it but the problem is that they don't know how to properly teach me. I have been playing pool for years and slowly improving. I am sure if I was properly taught, I can improve quickly. If I want to be really good at it, it's going to take a lot discipline and dedication.

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