Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 123: I got skillz???

I was at my aunt's house tonight for Christmas dinner. My cousin and his wife just gave birth to twins. The twins are in the hospital because they were born prematurely. My other cousin and I went to see the babies' room. Another cousin said she wasn't finished painting the room. But we took a peek at the room anyways. One wall had a jungle scene. There was a tree branch, a lion and another animal. It was very cute. As we were walking out of the room I turn to my cousin and said 'I wish I had creative skills, like singing, dancing and painting.' She just looked at me with this confused look wondering why I said that. She said I have skills. She said I am good with interacting with people and remembering people's names. I gave her a confused look. I don't think those are special skills. I just thought those skills are skills that everyone else has. How can I differentiate myself if everyone has those skills also? Interacting with people is a skill? Maybe some people are better than others? Maybe that's why you get wallflowers at a party? I don't think I am a wallflower at a party but I am also not the 'life of the party'. I am in the middle, where I think most people are.

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