Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 117: Appearances

In our society, people make judgment on your appearances. If I were to walk around in ragged clothes, people will think I am a bum. If I dress in a suit, people will think I have an awesome job.

I think I am pretty low maintenance. My hairstyle is pretty basic and simple: wash and go. No makeup in the mornings. I only wear makeup on special occasions like weddings. As far as jewellery goes, if I remember, I may wear a necklace to work. I have simple casual necklaces and have fancy sparkly ones for special occasions. I don't wear rings and earrings every day. I don't style my hair, wear makeup or wear jewellery because I can't wake up early enough to fit everything in.

Does not taking the time to make myself prettier effect how people view me? Will they like me less if my hair isn't as puffed up and pretty like theirs? Can anyone tell if I have makeup on? I am still me on the inside.

Most people will meet me on my relaxed and casual days. I would rather they meet me on a casual day then on a special occasion day. I want them to see the 'real' me and not the 'artificial' me first. I don't feel like I have to impress anyone. If a guy is already hanging out with the 'casual' me, I don't really think a bit of lip gloss will make any difference.

I have met some guys who are borderline metrosexuals. They use more skincare products than me. I don't know if it's embarrassing for me if a guy takes more time and effort on their appearances.

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