Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 202: Home cooked meal

I didn't realized that I would miss a home cooked meal. When I lived in Downtown, I had to cook my own meals. There were a bazillion restaurants within walking distance. I was in the US (Palm Springs and Chicago) and I ate out most of the time (as you know from all the restaurant blog postings). By the second week, I was dying for a comfort food meal or a home cooked meal. I settled for a crappy comfort food restaurant when I was in Oak Park (where Frank Lloyd Wright lived and Ernest Hemingway was born). Going to a restaurant everyday for every meal was tiring and time consuming (and costly too). Some days I only ate a meal a day because I was too lazy to head out for a meal. My parents mostly cook food that isn't available in restaurants. I like home cooked meals because I can eat as much as I want (I don't eat that much anymore). It is also less expensive them eating out all the time. I like cooking also. It is time consuming. I like cooking for more than myself. If I have time and am cooking for someone, I will be more than happy to cook.

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