Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 200: The Buried Life

When I was in Chicago, I was watching Oprah. On Oprah was these four guys who have an MTV show. Their show is called The Buried Life (http://www.mtv.ca/tvshows/buried-life/video.jhtml). It's about their adventures in accomplishing their list. On the episode when they were on Oprah, it was about them wanting to play basketball with the president of the US. Who would think four random guys can get access to the president of the United States, nevermind play basketball with him? Well, they did get to play basketball with the president but for only 10 minutes. They used their connections and were persistent in getting what they want. I think it helped that it was four of them and they have a MTV show. With my list, it's only me!

How their show inspired me:

- to make my list bigger and better
- get accomplices...I mean friends to join me in my adventures
- they also 'pay it forward' and help others

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