Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 336: Bunch of Sickos

I just checked and the last time I wrote about getting sick was about a year ago.

At my work, I work with 4 other co workers directly. One had to leave work early today because her son had a fever. Another co-worker wasn't feeling well. Another one had a headache. I had a sore throat today. My co workers son probably got something from his friends at school. Kids pass around germs very easily especially since they aren't conscious about always keeping themselves clean. I'm not sure how everyone will feel tomorrow. I hope they don't call in sick. It is better if they stay home if they are sick. If they are sick and at work, it is more likely they will pass the germs to everyone else. It's getting busier at work and we need all of them.

I hope this sore throat goes away tomorrow. It feels like a razor blade in my throat. I was drinking hot water and honey all day today to try to soothe my throat. I have some Chloraseptic that I can bring to work tomorrow. Can't I just help customers by emailing them or writing notes or something??

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