Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 332: 19 Kids and Counting

Tonight after Glee, I ended up watching a few episodes of 19 Kids and Counting. I know it's not a show most people would watch. Its basically about the life of a family who has 19 kids.

This show is fascinating on so many levels. First, is that Michelle (the mom) delivered all 19 kids. I'm scared to have one kid, nevermind even thinking of having 19 kids. I don't know if any woman's body is made to have 19 kids. Second, they are all home schooled. I understand it is logistically challenging for them to drive some of them to different schools at different times of the day. It would be just a nightmare. They have to discipline all their kids to 'go to school' everyday. Thirdly, their income. I don't think they work. They probably have an income from TLC like Jon and Kate. I read that Jon and Kate made $75 000 per episode. How else would you be able to raise 19 kids? There is another family that just had their 18th kid, the Bates family.They also live in the US. They don't have a TLC show. I wonder how their income sustains their family. Fourth, their social life. There are some episodes where they integrate with other home school families and other large families. But what about when the kids are at a stage where they want to date? Because the kids don't go to school and interact with other kids, you seldom see if they have outside friends. Fifth, it brings up more social questions. Are they over populating ? What if there is no more TLC show, how will they get their income? Will all the Duggars of working age have to go to work? Will they have to depend on the government for money?

It would be interesting to see how long this show lasts. I have seen an episode when it was 15 and Counting. When will they stop having children?

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