Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 228: High School Life

I watched Fame last night. It is about a bunch of high schools in a performing arts school. I realized that there are many shows that take place in high school. There was 90210 (the old, original one took place in a high school, I am not sure about the new one), 21 Jump Street (it was filmed in my high school), High School Musical, American Pie and Glee. I am sure there may be more but I don't know them. What is the fascination with high school life? Is it about all the drama? Is it about the ranging hormones?

High school was an interesting time for me. It was about which boy I liked and how I can get him to notice me. It was about passing notes in class. It was about gossiping on the phone at night with my friends. The last thing it was for me was about learning. I didn't do well in high school. I didn't want to study. It was about cliques and popularity. But in grade 12, it seemed like we were one. The common bond was that we were all graduating and going on our lives. Reality was sinking in. Everyone was going their separate ways. Some were going to post secondary school. Some were going to work.

Some things I learned from high school:
1- my life doesn't revolve around boys
2 - learning is a life long journey
3 - I should've studied harder
4 - I should've been more concern about my future and been more focused

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