Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 215: Six degrees of separation

They say that you are only separated by everyone by six degrees. That means eventually we will all know each other. Seems like a coincidence that my friend knows someone that i know? Not really. I shouldn't be surprised. It makes good conversation that we have a mutual friend. We can talk for minutes or hours because we have something in common. It gives us a connection. It bonds us together.

A party can be scary for some people because they feel a distance between them and the other party goers. A person naturally gravitates to someone they know. If they know everyone at the party, then they will talk to everyone.

It's who you know, not what you know. It's networking. I heard a rumour that a good way to find a job is from someone you know. I met someone who has 4000 contacts. It's a lot of people. Is it quality or quantity that is important? Obviously she spends a lot of time networking.

I have my 'Bring a friend that Lisa doesn't know party' every once in awhile. It's a good chance for my friends to help me expand my circle of friends. My goal is to know every one in Vancouver. hahha. I know that is a big goal but one day it will happen, just like winning the lottery or making myself a millionaire.

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