Four things about me that you may or may not have known not in any particular order. Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) McD's drive thru coordinator (ooo what a title)
2) telemarketer
3) guest services at Boulevard Casino
4) customer service at A&B Partytime Rentals
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1)AI (Artificial Intelligence, with Jude Law)
2) Blood Diamond
3) hmm.. I can't think of any others (I guess that is only two..most movies are not worth watching more than once)
Four Places I have lived:
1) house in Chinatown (it was the only house on the side of the street)
2) ghetto bachelor suite by Davie St (my first place by myself)
3) one bedroom apartment on Jervis and Davie (what a fantastic view! I started taking the Aquabus and walking to work. That's when I realized I could lose weight by walking to work. )
4) house by 29th skytrain (still here)
Four T.V. Shows that I watch:
2) Big Bang Theory
3) depends on what time I am home...(that is only two shows..this should be the TWO THINGS LIST about LISA by the way this is going..haha..)
4) it's good I don't have a PVR, then I would end up watching more TV than I should)
Four places I have been:
1) London (England) - 1994 with my English Lit class
2) Hanoi (Vietnam) - 2006 with my parents to see my homeland
3) Beijing (China) - 2006 with my parents
4) Palm Springs (US) - many times to see my sister and her family
Four Favorite Foods:
1) pho
2)Viet subs,
3)bubble tea
4) fried noodle with beef (Chinese dish) (these answers shouldn't surprise anyone)
Four Places I would like to visit:
1)Paris (France)
2) Carribean
4) eastern Canada (not very high expectations)
Things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
2)getting more sleep
3) learn to cook
4)eat less chocolat
5) eat more healthy foods
6) do more yoga
7)get more exercise (I have a Wii Fit Plus now...I should use it!)
8) continue crossing items off my bucket list :)
10 more entries till the end of this 365 Day Challenge!!!