Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 233: Network Marketing

I met a friend for lunch today. She texted me a few days ago saying she would like to meet me because she has an idea that she wanted to run by me. It got me curious. I'm open to ideas. The idea she ran by me was about joining FHTM ( It is a MLM (multi level marketing) 'idea'.

I don't like MLM and I won't be joining them. Some people think because of my network with my dining club, I would be able to 'sell' their product easily or get people to join my 'network'. I have been approached to join Melaleuca, Usana, Quickstar (includes Amway products) and now FHTM. I do not want to be selling anything to my dining club members. I can see myself dropping out quickly in those programs. I don't think I can passionate enough to be selling those products. Of course they try to motivate you all the time with their videos, CD.s, online support and their upline. I think also it's the startup cost and the monthly costs that I don't want to be paying. I do know that you are able to get it back by recruiting members and getting them to purchase the products. It's a lot of hard work to get people to join your network. It's more work then I'm willing to put in.

I have yet to know someone who is successful in any MLM. I know a few people who are in the Quickstar program for months and they weren't making enough money to sustain their living expenses. The person who tried to get me in Melaleauca a few years ago is not in the program anymore. I told the Usana guy I won't be joining Usana and he stopped talking to me.

1 comment:

  1. 95% of people who run MLM biz will not make money.... hence, for you to find someone who is successful, it really kinda of tough. :D

    You are absolutely right about selling; nobody liked to be "sold", but don't mind buying something they need.

    Interestingly, one who is willing "share" or "refer" someone else a great pasta place or a bottle of great wine with ease and the receiver of such information end up very happy.

    And if the "product & services" owner (of the pasta restaurant or wine broker) decides to give the referrer a treat, would the referrer be considered involved in a MLM biz?

    One will likely dispute that the above is not the same as MLM, but the "act of sharing" good stuff with friends who in turn share with more friends is the "engine" driving the MLM biz. The difference is that the referrer get "paid" either directly (income) or indirectly (in kind - a free meal or drink).
